About us

Problems can’t be solved by using the same kind of thinking we used when we created them“ (Albert Einstein) Founded in 2008 by will

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L’Italia del Riciclo 2010

Il 28 ottobre, nella sala delle Conferenze di Piazza di Montecitorio, vi sarà la presentazione de "L'Italia del Riciclo 2010" - Rapporto annuale sul riciclo ed il recupero dei rifiuti.

Il 28 ottobre, nella sala delle Conferenze di Piazza di Montecitorio, vi sarà la presentazione de

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The principal fields of the international activity of the Sustainable Development Foundation are: Decarbonization of the economy:

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The Sustainable Development Foundation welcomes new members that share its vision and goals, Companies and single experts that want to take the

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For more information,  please send a mail   to info@susdef.it in English or  French, German and Spanish

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